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This game is simply remarkable, if a bit rough around the edges. The art is charming, and the mechanics are so innovative! My favorite level has got to be level five, it's so challenging, but it's investing! Have a beautiful day, god bless 🙏

I cannot read shit with the color scheme in this comment sections. I feel like an elderly schizophrenic mole on the verge of a stroke that would cause me to loose 60% if my sight. Otherwise the game is alright I guess

beautiful game haha the panels at the begining were charming and actrually really sweet haha. and then the FIRST level came and i hadt to put the fucking LETTUCE on the BBURGER and s i couldnt DO IT because this game is HARD. i thought this was going to be a FUN experjecnce for an individual such as my self and by the time i reached level 2two i had already shit my pants from RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! took me 40 minutes to reach levle 3 and by that time i no longer saw a friendly wizzar running a delightful burger joint. instead i saw SATAN!!!! RTORMENTING ME. when i reached level 3 (thanks to my gaming prowess, no doubt) i had to stop playing becase the second i locked eyes with that tiny sliver of space i was SOMEHOW supposed to slip the lettuce through, i felt all my blood vessels spontaneously explode. i am dead and you killed me and its all your FAULT. 

Its alright i guess